Vanishing Asia

The more access I have to interesting ideas (via podcasts, blogs, videos) the more I realize there are likely so many more I'm unaware of. I originally discovered Kevin Kelly on a Tim Ferriss podcast where he discussed his "A Thousand True Fans" essay (a worthwhile read if you aren't familiar). It was one of those "how have I not heard about this guy before" moments. Kevin is the founder of Wired magazine and happens to be an avid photographer fascinated with Asia.

Vanishing Asia is a real monumental feat of a book. Spanning over 40 years traveling earth's largest continent, Kevin specifically aims his lens at the thousand year old cultures and traditions that are rapidly disappearing. With innovations in communication there's inevitable homogenization and Kevin is celebrating the differences.

The book itself has quite the presence so it feels like quite the occasion when you decide flip through. I find myself carving out specific time to peruse through Kevin's photos, after dinner with a coffee, often with my son joining.

It's big, it's expensive but I indulged and have no regrets.


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