Unboxing a Black Ferrari F40

Much like a classic film you're surprised you've never seen (Indiana Jones for me) there are similar trends that I'm surprised I've never jumped on board with - such as unboxing videos. 

Ferrari F40 being unloaded from a container at a warehouse.

I understand the appeal. Unboxing videos provide a vicarious way to experience the ritual and details involved with taking custody of a new and sought after item. It almost feels like it's yours when you’re watching one. That being said, I very seldom consume these videos, which is likely the reason I've never made one.

Until now. 

Ferrari F40 with its engine hood open, showcasing its iconic design and mechanical details inside a warehouse.

This is part one of a friend taking delivery and unboxing a dream purchase.

A Ferrari F40.

Ferrari F40 parked outside a warehouse with a group of onlookers admiring its sleek, iconic design.

If you’re on this site you likely know the significance of the F40. The last masterpiece by Enzo Ferrari himself.

Seeing it in the metal, especially in black caught all of us off guard. We’d catch ourselves in long moments of silence as we took it all in. Upon close inspection you really see how raw of machine the F40 is. Everything is exposed, and the design is dominated by brutally straight lines along with some perfectly considered curves that only an Italian could create. And in black, it looks like the car Darth Vader would drive.

Close-up of the Ferrari F40 interior featuring a suede steering wheel with the Ferrari emblem and classic analog dials.

I came in with a very specific idea of the video I wanted to create but the circumstances of a spontaneous day mean you often have to throw your plan out and just capture what’s happening. I also wanted to refrain from ‘directing’ people around as that would compromise the experience for everyone. And even more importantly, I wanted to capture the actual visuals and sounds of the delivery as opposed to something manufactured.

Ferrari F40 parked inside a well-lit garage with framed car artwork displayed on the walls.
Ferrari F40 being unloaded from a trailer at night, illuminated by the truck's lights and surrounded by onlookers.
Close-up view of the Ferrari F40's red racing seat, seen through the car’s side window under soft lighting.
Ferrari F40 parked in a modern home with large glass windows overlooking a serene waterfront view.

Awaiting clearer skies.

Congrats @Trevvvy. Stay tuned to the channel as this may be the first but certainly not the last F40 appearance.

2025 Calendar Still available.

A friendly reminder that you can order your copy of the 2025 Air Cooled Porsche Calendar here. Make sure you watch the video too!


2025 Air-Cooled Porsche Calendar: Photography That Celebrates the Journey Over Efficiency